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Let's celebrate the Employee Appreciation International Week

By Coach Pauline Mahu

Employees are the essence of success of every company. Their hard work, dedication and passion contribute significantly to the growth and prosperity of the organization. This is why International Employee Appreciation Week is of crucial importance in the human resources calendar. This special week provides an opportunity to recognize and value the exceptional contributions of team members.

Employee recognition is more than just a formality.

It is an essential practice that strengthens employee engagement, motivation and loyalty to their work and their company. According to a Gallup study, employees who feel appreciated at work are more productive and engaged. Here are some statistics that highlight the impact of employee recognition:

  • Increased productivity: Companies that regularly recognize their employees benefit from up to 50% higher productivity.

  • Reduced turnover rate: 69% of employees working at companies where they feel appreciated intend to stay longer.

  • Improved job satisfaction: 78% of employees say that recognition at work makes them happier in their job.

  • Increased engagement: Recognized employees are twice as engaged in their work as those who are not.

To make this week truly memorable and meaningful, here are some solutions and ideas to put in place:

  • Awards Ceremony: Trophies, certificates or symbolic awards may be given to deserving employees.

  • Team building activities: Organise fun and team building activities to strengthen bonds between team members.

  • Special lunch or dinner: Host a team lunch/dinner to celebrate everyone’s successes and contributions together.

  • Personalized Recognition Messages: Express gratitude to employees through personalised messages, thank you cards or recognition videos.

  • Continuous Feedback and Recognition: Employee recognition should not be limited to just one day. Encourage a culture of continuous recognition by regularly providing positive feedback and publicly recognizing achievements.

When companies celebrate together, employees are 20 times more likely to feel connected and want to stay.

→ Do you feel valued and recognized in your team, or in your company?

We would love to hear from you in the comments section of this post!

Coach Pauline