5 Podcasts to Inspire You in 2021

In recent years, I have become particularly fond of podcasts and audio books. Don't get me wrong, hard copy books still win me over every time, especially when it comes to reading a good novel while I’m hidden under a blanket with a steaming cup of tea! But the audio format is not only very practical given its intangible aspect, it’s also very pleasant when you want to rest your eyes a little from screen time or reading! In fact, what I like to listen to the most these days are shows about personal growth and leadership development. I thought I would share my favorites... just to inspire you in 2021!

-       Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

If you haven’t listened to these Oprah’s conversations with inspiring guests, you are clearly missing out! You’ll be hearing thought leaders, spiritual luminaries and health/wellness experts on topics such as mindfulness, intention, your authentic self or vulnerability. Her guests are often very famous and best-selling authors. These conversations are fun and entertaining!

-       The Mindvalley Podcast

Mindvalley is a leader in personal growth and education, with a very wide variety of issues with experts from all over the world! Listening to this podcast will be a wonderful guide for anyone wishing to grow in 2021!

-       The Marie Forleo Podcast

No introduction necessary to Marie Forleo, the self-made millionaire and best-selling author of “Everything is Figureoutable”. With other guests, Forleo shares her thoughts and tips on success, habit formation, motivation, creativity and career advice! It’s diverse and very much centered around work/life alignment. There are already 236 episodes to listen to, so lots to discover this year! 

-       Coaching for Leaders (with Dave Stachowiak)

This is my ultimate favorite podcast for leadership development and coaching! The American host, Dave Stachowiak, has very interesting guests and their insights are always pertinent and thought provoking. Each episode includes very practical advice and work experiences related to leadership challenges and teamwork. A podcast that all leaders – directors and managers – should listen to!

-       Inspiring Leaders (with Terry Lipovski)

I could not complete this Top 5 Podcasts list without a special mention to my fellow local coach and inspiring podcast host – Terry Lipovski! I have the great pleasure to know Terry personally and he is such a warm and insightful individual. He puts his immense qualities and passion into his show, “Inspiring Leaders”. Some of my favorite episodes include: “EP097: Resilient Leadership with Reticle VP Mike Coyle” and “E095: The Millennial Whisperer: Chris Tuff”. 

If you decide to give any of these podcasts a try, I’d love to know what you think!

And if you have any personal favorites to share with me, please mention them in the comments below.