Helpful Tips to Show your Leadership at Home and in your Community in Times of Crisis

Social distancing and self isolation in times of a public health crisis… what these words mean for all workers, and particularly for small and medium businesses, can translate into a drop in revenue that might have a lasting impact beyond the time of quarantine. If you’re a team leader, putting your staff’s health and wellbeing above all else just is the best move right now. Teleworking might be encouraged or required, but it will certainly have its own set of challenges if you’ve got kids at home. And if you work in the sector of professional services, well, be prepared to face a potential drop in billable hours too. Both on a personal and professional level, you also may feel  your goals for 2020 are also on pause. We are all affected, one way or another, by this crisis, on a health (including mental health) or economic level. 

But this disruption in our daily routines and habits (as long as you’re healthy of course!) can also lead to a positive change. Let’s look at things through a different lens. After all, mindset matters a lot in situations like these. Sure, there are many things outside of our control, but we still have to ask ourselves: what remains in my power? What can I do to use my time differently and move forward with (some of) my goals? What if taking advantage of this “forced” pause would allow me to slow down a bit and spend more quality times with loved ones and recharge batteries? What if this situation was an opportunity to show my leadership and my ability to support my team and my community in times of need? Finally, what if I used this time to maybe invest in my personal and/or professional development?

 As a business owner and a working mom, I’ve asked myself these questions and have come up with a few ideas and tips to help others too! I hope that these tips and ideas will empower you to be a better leader at home and in your community, even in cases of isolation. I’ve tried to organize these ideas in a way that made sense to me, but please feel free to share your own ideas in comments below. It’s important we help each other!

Tele working and kids at home

Many of us will be working from home over the coming week. If you’ve got kids, you know that this will be next to impossible and maybe relatives (like grand parents) babysitting them will not be an option. So maybe your reality will look a bit like that.

In any case, here are some fun activities to do with your kids – depending on their age group, they could do them on your own, while you get some work done… well, hopefully… ;-)

First in the list is Scholastics! They have put together a great online resource for kids of all ages – I am actually excited to try them with my son every day now! Check it out here.

Other fun indoor activities to do with your kids include: 

-       Build a fort with cushions and read stories together (you can also use audio stories your kids can play if you want to get a break or to get some work done);

-       Make some fun special popcorn (Pinterest has lots of ideas: oreo popcorn, caramel, etc.) then watch a movie together;

-       Play board games and puzzles;

-       Handwashing activity and other fun experiments;

-       Have a home spa day: mani-pedis, face masks and long warm baths! 

-       Paint and other crafts! Why not get an early start on Easter crafts and decorating? If your local craft store (like Michaels or the dollar store) is still open, go get some supply now! Here are a few fun Easter activities

-       Play some music and have a dance party!

-       Visit some awesome museums with your kids without leaving your home, here or check out this other list below:

1. Pinacoteca di Brera - Milano

 2. Galleria degli Uffizi - Firenze

 3. Musei Vaticani - Roma

 4. Museo Archeologico - Atene

 5. Prado - Madrid

 6. Louvre - Paris

 7. British Museum - London

 8. Metropolitan Museum - New York

 9. Hermitage – Saint Petersburg

10. National Gallery of art - Washington

Keep up with your health goals (food/sleep/exercise)!

Food: As tempting as it might be to eat all the ice cream, chips and soda you could find on the almost bare shelves at the supermarket in the last days, take a moment to breathe and think of how important food it is to keep your body healthy. You need food with nutrients to build your immunity and your energy. If you can still find some in your local supermarket, buy some fresh or frozen fruits, greens and vegetables. Make sure you have some ginger, lemon and honey too; it’s always good for sore throat! Some nuts (or seeds, if allergic to nuts), and fish with good omega 3 fat (like salmon) is awesome for your health too. Drink more water than sugary beverages like soda (sugar will impact your energy level!). This could be a good time to bake delicious and healthy treats with your kids too! I love all the vegan recipes by Oh she glows but these energy balls are pretty good and easy to make with little ones.

Exercise! Staying home also does not mean being sedentary. Take this time to do some yoga and/ or core exercise indoors, or go for a walk or run outside! Get your kids involved in this exercise routine: they too need to let some steam off! Yoga and meditation will keep your stress and anxiety levels low. And a walk in nature is always fun to get some much needed light, fresh air and observe birds and other animals. 

Sleep: Again, as tempting as it can be to just binge watch Netflix or Prime (hey, I’m with you on this, no judgement!), try to continue limiting screen time in the evenings so that you can have true, restful nights to take on the next day! This is good for all times obviously, not just pandemics ;-) Plus, if you went outside and/ or exercised during the day, you’ll sleep better too!

Use this time to develop your professional skills

Online classes and masterclasses

You’ve always wanted to take a masterclass to improve your leadership skills? Or maybe you want to adopt a growth or positive mindset? Try this awesome free online class first by Yale, “The science of wellbeing” or how to become happier in life! 

Other awesome free online leadership classes are listed here.

Audiobooks and podcasts

You may already be a podcast enthusiast. If not, it is a great time to catch up on listening to some great content. Plus no need to go to the store to buy anything: you can just download it (often for free!) online! 

Some of my favorite leadership podcasts include: “Coaching for leaders with Dave Stachowiak” and “Inspiring Leaders” with Terry Lipovski.

Ted Talks is always an inspiring resource for leadership.

Plus most of personal and professional development books are available online in audio format!

 Other work-related things

-       It is that time of the year. I am talking about doing your taxes. Maybe that’s the perfect time to catch up on your accounting and prepare your claims!

-       You feel that you never have the time to write, blog (hmmmm!) or journal for your business? Well, there’s never a better time like the present! Get cozy, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and write! It will also get your creative juices going to find more ideas for your business or work!

-       Catch up on developing creative content for your business or for your team, so that you have awesome things to jump start work when things go back to the normal routine. 

Support other businesses and show leadership in your community

 Now I’d like to finish with some ideas to support each other and to make sure that small and medium businesses around us do not die amidst this pandemic:

1.     If going to a restaurant is not an option right now, consider purchasing a voucher or gift certificate to use later. It will be great to plan a future date night AND show your support now to your local restaurants.

2.     If your art show or concert got cancelled, please consider not asking for a refund right away. The artists will not get paid. Instead, think of donating your tickets if a later date does not work for you.

3.     Have you checked in with your local food bank? With all the grocery/shopping craze lately, do they need some extra support to provide food to the most vulnerable in your community?

4.     Have you checked in with your neighbors? This is a great opportunity to show your leadership by asking if they have everything they need. Maybe they’re out of toilet paper and you have a couple of rolls to spare? Or they could not find milk and eggs to feed their families? We will flatten the pandemic curve by social distancing but not by social exclusion. Think about the others, cooperate and help everyone feel safe.

5.     Finally, health staff everywhere are working hard on the front line. Their days are long, they might not have enough support for grocery shopping or babysitting. If you have relatives or friends in this situation, please offer your help and bring them a meal.

I’d love to know what strategies and ideas you’ve put in place to help in the coming weeks! Please feel free to share :)