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Change Leaders: Ask Yourselves 3 Questions!

By Coach Virginie Mesana

As the spring months unfurl their mantle of renewal, we are all invited to reflect on change—not only in our environment but also in our personal and professional lives. This context of renewal is particularly pertinent for leaders. In a fast-evolving world, leadership is no longer just about maintaining course; it is now about navigating the tumultuous waters of change with agility and vision. Through three key questions, I invite you to explore how to be a leader of change and how to inspire those around you to embrace change as well.

#1. What values guide my decisions? (And how are they aligned with the values of my organization?)

The first step towards change leadership is to reflect on the fundamental values that motivate our actions. Decisions made in alignment with our core values are those that will stand the test of time and inspire others to follow us. Reflect on what matters most to you and how this influences your way of leading.

# 2. What specific behavior can I change to improve my leadership in times of change?

As a certified practitioner in emotional intelligence (EQ-i) and leadership development (Hogan), I like to ask this question to my coachees because it encourages leaders to identify a specific behavior to improve—whether it be communication, time management, decision-making, or another skill. This is a pragmatic approach to self-assessment and determining concrete actions to implement. It may involve seeking feedback from peers, supervisors, or subordinates; observing how other leader-mentors act in similar situations, or even training to develop specific skills to address your gaps.

# 3. How can I foster autonomy and innovation within my team?

A change leader recognizes the value of empowering their team. Asking this question pushes you to think about ways to create an environment where creativity and innovation are not just accepted but encouraged. Consider how you can delegate effectively, provide leadership opportunities for team members, and recognize their achievements.

I hope these coaching questions offer you a valuable compass to embrace change and inspire your teams to do the same. Leadership development requires continuous introspection and a commitment to personal and collective improvement. These spring months are the ideal time to sow the seeds of change and reap the benefits of renewed and dynamic leadership.

→ Are there other key questions or strategies that help you develop more emotional agility in your leadership? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments!

Coach Virginie