It’s possible you’ve been feeling a bit down lately. But I am going to be honest with you: I don’t think that there really is one “most depressing day of the year”. That said, there is much to say about this time of year when you might be more prone to experience sadness or depression. Being in the coldest and dreariest months does not help (hello lack of sunlight and vitamins!). Not to mention possible post-holiday debts, and new year’s resolutions and best intentions possibly fading away. BUT, the good news is: you can approach this totally differently. You are in control and you can definitely fight this “blue” feeling off!

Ariadne Coaching shares 5 tips that work for boosting our mood on a daily basis! But don’t hesitate to leave a comment below with more suggestions and thoughts about what helps YOU.

1.     Unplug.

Taking a pause in your day to do a short meditation or a mindful activity (like doing art work, crafts or listening to music in a quiet space) is very beneficial for recharging batteries and re-centre. Practicing mindfulness on a daily basis (even for a few minutes!) will reduce your anxiety, improve your focus and develop a more positive outlook. Consider making a date with yourself for this “unplug” moment in your day, even by putting it in your calendar.

Try staying away from social media, your phone and, if possible, from screens of all kinds, as often as you can during the week. You can start as “small” as you wish and increase your “unplugging” time too.  

2.     Boost your Mood with Exercise!

New Year’s resolutions aside, doing a bit more exercise will pump your body with positive energy and fight off the “blues”. Whether you hit the gym on a regular basis or you rarely use that elliptical machine long forgotten in your basement, consider taking 30 minutes daily to do physical activity. This can include stretching and doing mat work, walking or taking the stairs more - A good trick is to park your car further from the front door and avoid elevators!

3.     Try Essential Oils

Have you got an oil diffuser at home? If not, it’s time to give it a try! Essential oils have many benefits, including improving your mood and setting a positive atmosphere, easing you into relaxation and better sleep, boosting your immune system, etc! Some our favorites include: Ylang Ylang (relaxes nerves and decreases adrenaline release), Lavender or Chamomile (elevate your mood and feel deep relaxation); Peppermint + Wild Orange or Lemon = great combo for a pick me up! We particularly like using oils when meditating, at night when sleeping or at work on the desk!

4.     Eat Superfoods to Feel Better!

There are definitely links between what you eat and how you feel, so eating food that will make you feel good from within is essential!  Super foods to consider introducing more into your diet: avocados (they contain vitamin B6 which relieves stress and an amino acid that lifts moods!), sweet potatoes and spinach (both contain folate – which helps the brain produce serotonin, called the “happy” chemical!), brazil nuts (top source of selenium to help fight anxiety) and oily fish like salmon (rich in omega 3).

5.     Get a Coach!

A certified coach can help shift your mindset when you’re feeling blue, discouraged or unsure about your next steps. Your coach will listen to you deeply, without judgement, and support you to develop more positive thinking. You get to focus on life-affirming ideas and to visualize ideal outcomes for yourself and/or your projects, career or business. Most importantly, you are always at the center of every decision, feeling empowered and resourceful. It does not get any better than this! Need a coach? Contact us here.

Now, I am curious, how do you lift your mood and stay positive?